Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration Intel® FPGA IP

ID 683404
Date 4/18/2019
Document Table of Contents

1. Partial Reconfiguration IP Core

Partial reconfiguration (PR) offers you the ability to reconfigure part of the design's core logic such as LABs, MLABs, DSP, and RAM, while the remainder of the design continues running. The PR IP core provides a standard interface to this ability and eliminates the need to manually instantiate an interface with the PR control block. You can instantiate the PR IP core through Platform Designer (Standard) or Platform Designer, or via the Intel® Quartus® Prime IP Catalog. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software supports the PR IP Core for the Stratix® V device family and Cyclone® V devices whose part number ends in "SC", for example, 5CGXFC9E6F35I8NSC.

You can perform partial reconfiguration through either an internal host residing in the core logic, or as an external host via dedicated device pins. The advantage of the internal host is that you store all the logic needed to perform PR on the device, without the need for external devices.

Figure 1. PR IP Core Components

When you instantiate the PR IP core, the Main Controller module is instantiated. This module includes the Control Block (CB) Interface Controller, Freeze/Unfreeze Controller, Bitstream Decoder, and the Data Source Controller. A Data Source Interface module provides you with an optional JTAG Debug Interface and PR Data Interface. If you choose to use the PR IP core in internal host mode, the IP core automatically instantiates the corresponding crcblock and prblock WYSIWYG atom primitives.

If used as external host (placed in another FPGA or CPLD), the PR IP core provides the required interface ports. Connect to the dedicated PR pins and CRC_ERROR pin on the target FPGA undergoing partial reconfiguration.

Figure 2. Managing Partial Reconfiguration with an Internal or External Host

The figure shows how to connect these blocks to the PR control block (CB). In your system, you include either the external host or the internal host, but not both. During PR, the PR Control Block (CB) is in Passive Parallel x16 programming mode for 28nm devices. In external host mode, the PR control block is not instantiated in the core of the device undergoing PR, because there is a direct connection from the external PR pins to the internal control block.

You can instantiate the PR IP core as the internal host for all supported devices. When you specify it as the internal host, both prblock and crcblock WYSIWYG atom primitives are auto-instantiated as part of the design. You can instantiate the PR IP core as the external host on any supported devices, as specified in the device family list.