Handle up to 1.53x as Many WordPress Users on Microsoft Azure Ddsv5 Virtual Machines as on Ddsv4 VMs


  • Handle up to 1.50x as Many WordPress Requests per Second with 4-vCPU Ddsv5 VMs vs. Ddsv4 VMs.

  • Handle up to 1.53x as Many WordPress Requests per Second with 8-vCPU Ddsv5 VMs vs. Ddsv4 VMs.

  • Handle up to 1.49x as Many WordPress Requests per Second with 16-vCPU Ddsv5 VMs vs. Ddsv4 VMs.

Enjoy Stronger Performance with New Ddsv5 VMs Featuring 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

When shopping for a cloud solution to host your WordPress websites, companies above all require VMs that can easily handle the amount of traffic they anticipate. The latest memory-optimized Microsoft Azure Ddsv5-series VMs enabled by 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors—available in a range of vCPU counts to match your needs—can deliver top performance. These Microsoft Azure Ddsv5- series VMs are a great choice for applications that benefit from high vCPU counts and large amounts of memory and their larger local SSD storage ensures a low-latency customer experience.

In WordPress tests of three sizes of Microsoft Azure VMs, new Ddsv5 VMs enabled by 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors delivered up to 1.53x the transactions per second as Ddsv4 VMs with older processors. That per-VM performance advantage not only translates to supporting more customers. It can also decrease the number of VMs you must purchase and manage to accommodate visitors at regular and peak time, which means spending less.

Accommodate More WordPress Traffic with Small VM Instances

Choosing memory-optimized Microsoft Azure Ddsv5 VMs with newer processors for WordPress website hosting rather than older VMs lets you improve performance per VM. In load-testing using a modified version of the opensource website transaction benchmark suite oss-performance, Azure Ddsv5 VMs enabled by 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors handled 1.50x the transactions per second a Ddsv4 VM handled (see Figure 1).

Cloud benchmark chart 1

Figure 1. Relative WordPress performance of the 4-vCPU Azure Ddsv5 VM and 4-vCPU Azure Ddsv4 VM types.

Accommodate More WordPress Traffic with Medium VM Instances

Load testing with 8 vCPUs per VM yielded a similar performance improvement for memory-optimized Azure Ddsv5 VMs. As Figure 2 shows, with 8 vCPUs per VM, Microsoft Azure Ddsv5 VMs enabled by 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors handled 1.53x as many transactions per second as Ddsv4 VMs using older processors.

Cloud benchmark chart 2

Figure 2. Relative WordPress performance of the 8-vCPU Azure Ddsv5 VM and 8-vCPU Azure Ddsv4 VM types.

Accommodate More WordPress Traffic with Larger VM Instances

Configuring the VMs with even more vCPUs—16 per VM—again provided similar results. Figure 3 shows that Microsoft Azure Ddsv5 VMs enabled by 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors completed 1.49x as many transactions per second as Ddsv4 VMs using older processors.

Cloud benchmark chart 3

Figure 3. Relative WordPress performance of the 16-vCPU Azure Ddsv5 VM and 16-vCPU Azure Ddsv4 VM types.

These results indicate that new Microsoft Azure Ddsv5 VMs enabled by 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors are capable of accommodating a higher visitor load at various VM sizes. Choosing these VMs lets you provide your WordPress website visitors with a better experience, while at the same time decreasing the number of cloud VMs for which you must pay.

Learn More

To begin running your websites on Microsoft Azure Ddsv5 virtual machines with 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/ddv5-ddsv5-series.

For more information on the test results and configuration details, visit http://facts.pt/Hz8dkm9.