Recommendations to recover the Intel® SSD when the password used to protect data was forgotten The drive is locked and it is asking for a password to access its data. When a drive is password-protected, the data cannot be accessed unless the right password is entered. Intel does not have a way to recover the password. In scenarios where the password was forgotten, the following recommendations can be tried to unlock the drive. However the data will be lost. Is It Possible to Recover the SSD after Enabling ATA Security?How Do I Unlock the Intel® SSD if the Password Was Forgotten?
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忘記用來保護資料的密碼時,復原Intel® SSD的建議
當磁片磁碟機受到密碼保護時,除非輸入正確的密碼,否則無法存取資料。Intel 無法復原密碼。在忘記密碼的情境中,可以嘗試下列建議來解鎖磁片磁碟機。然而,資料將會遺失。
- 請聯絡 系統供應商或原本用於啟用密碼保護的應用程式的開發者。他們可能有特定的密碼復原步驟。
- 執行 低階格式化以清除磁片磁碟機中的所有資料。這可能會解鎖磁片磁碟機並將其設定為出廠狀態,讓您再次存取磁片磁碟機。然而,所有資料都將遺失。
- 檢視 可用的選項以執行低階格式化。