Article ID: 000087339
Content Type: Troubleshooting
Last Reviewed: 09/13/2021
NOUS Client UI Loses Connection with the Server and Keeps Loading
Restart the impacted virtual machine (VM) to refresh the VM and allow remote connections.
Several errors occur while using the NOUS Client UI, such as:
- The training task terminates and keeps loading.
- Error: Failed to render this media item.
The issue happens due to several reasons (cache pile up, incomplete remote processing tasks), and VM restarting is required.
- Steps to perform VM restart (User - NOUS Client UI):
- Click Account icon.
- Select Sign out and stop the server.
- Log in to the VM again via UI and start the server.
If the steps above fail, you need to perform the steps below:
- Steps to perform VM restart as Admin in the Google Cloud Platform:
- Launch Google Cloud Platform under Project: intel-gcp.
- Launch GCloud terminal.
- Execute the following commands from the terminal:
- Stop the VM: gcloud compute instances stop [instance_name]
- Start the VM : gcloud compute instances start [instance_name]
- Reattempt to SSH to the VM.
- Access the VM from NOUS client UI to validate.