Explains warranty guide for refurbished, used, or engineering sample Intel® Processors. Unable to determine if Intel provides a warranty for refurbished, used, or engineering sample processors. No. Intel does not sell or honor warranty requests for used, refurbished, or engineering sample processors. Information for the engineering sample can be found in the Information About Engineering Sample Processors.Does Intel Provide a Warranty for Refurbished, Used, or Engineering Sample Intel® Processors?
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說明翻新、使用或工程樣品 Intel® 處理器的保固指南。
無法確定 Intel 是否為翻新、使用或工程樣品處理器提供保固。
否。Intel 不銷售或履行針對二手、翻新或工程樣品處理器的保固要求。
工程樣品資訊可在 「工程樣品處理器資訊」中找到。