Yes, the Quartus® II software versions 3.0 and later support the Windows Terminal Server remote client for users with floating (FLOATALL, FLOAT-NET, FLOAT-PC or FLOAT-LNX) or fixed-node (FIXED-PC, Quartus II software serial number, network card ID, T-Guard, or hard disk ID) licenses.
However, fixed-node licenses generated for the Quartus II software before version 8.0 do not support Windows Terminal Server by default.
To resolve this issue, download an updated license file from the Altera Licensing Center. An updated license is generated containing the "TS_OK" attribute that supports Windows Terminal Services for the Quartus II software versions 3.0 and later. No other changes are made during the license update for customers without current Quartus II subscriptions.
Quartus II software versions 2.2 and earlier
You can use the Windows Terminal Server remote client to run the Quartus II software versions 2.2 and earlier regardless of the type of license (floating or fixed-node) you have. However, you cannot use a license file generated with "TS_OK" attributed for Quartus II software versions 2.2 and earlier.