Due to a problem starting in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 17.1, you will not be able to program a . JAM file in certain Intel Stratix® 10 devices. This problem is seen both when using the JAM™ STAPL Player, as well as the Quartus JLI utility to program the device.
You might see the following failure message when using the Quartus JLI utility-
Error status: Request failed
CONF_DONE pin failed to go high at device #1
No response from device
Exit code = 23... No response from device
To work around this JAM programming problem, regardless of whether you see the error above, click on the following link to download a patch for Intel® Quartus® Prime 17.1.1-
Download patch
This problem is fixed starting with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software version 18.0.