Article ID: 000083841
Content Type: Troubleshooting
Last Reviewed: 08/04/2023
Why does the Generate compressed bitstreams option not work when targeting Intel® Arria® 10 devices?
Due to a known issue in Quartus® Prime Software version 15.1, an uncompressed rbf is always generated during compilation for Intel® Arria® 10 devices irrespective of the Generate compressed bitstreams option setting.
Use the Covert Programming File utility with the compression option to generate a compressed rbf.
- Select Convert Programming File under the File menu.
- Choose Raw Binary File (.rbf) Programming from the drop-down list of File types.
- In the File name field, browse the target directory and specify an output file name.
- Click Add File, then select the .sof file you want to convert to a .rbf file.
- Highlight .sof shown in Input files to convert area, then click Properties
- Enable Compression on SOF File Properties, then click OK
- Click Generate
This issue is fixed in Quartus® Prime Software 16.0.